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The Beastmasters of Auros

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          If kings and queens are the heart of Ark roleplay, then breeders certainly are the blood! Powerful dinos can make or break a kingdom, but you're well aware of that. Breeding for you is more than a passion, it's an art. Breeders will enjoy over 900+ creatures to choose from, including being able to breed alphas, reapers and generally unbreedable creatures. 


Class Difficulty: Varies (some creatures can get complicated to breed, general breeding struggles)

Class Requirements
~ Breeding exp preferred for Grand Breeders (at least know how to mutate, breed better stats etc.)
- Dino-Rancher, some exp preferred but not required.



 "First baby born to Anakey the Travler"

Class Tiers & Rank-Up's

Starter Kit


Ascendant Hide Armor Set
Metal Tools
High Impact Rifle
100 GREEN Tranq Darts
100 STANDARD Rifle Bullets
S+ Hatchery BP
Nanny BP
3 Hitching Posts
Elemental Spyglass


Class Perk


Can tame, breed, and mutate untamable varities

Can tame/breed Alphas, Corrupts etc...


Starter Tame: Maewing

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Imagination is not only for children; it is the manifestation of mankind's greatest power, which is to envision the impossible, to make it possible

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